Distinct from any LMS or SIS, Extempore is a one-of-a-kind tool that allows districts to host secure assessments, both formative and summative, in any form, but with an emphasis on spontaneous, oral responses. With Extempore, districts significantly reduce the risk and impact of students using ChatGPT or similar resources during the testing period.
These secure assessments allow districts to preserve academic integrity, avoiding the cost and privacy concerns that come with proctoring platforms.

A robust reporting component allows district staff to track progress, monitor usage and analyze assessment performance.

Distinct from any LMS or SIS, Extempore is a one-of-a-kind tool that allows districts to host secure assessments, both formative and summative, in any form, but with an emphasis on spontaneous, oral responses. With Extempore, districts significantly reduce the risk and impact of students using ChatGPT or similar resources during the testing period.

These secure assessments allow districts to preserve academic integrity, avoiding the cost and privacy concerns that come with proctoring platforms.
A robust reporting component allows district staff to track progress, monitor usage and analyze assessment performance.