Evolv Express Weapons Detection System
With long lines and lengthy screening procedures, schools are sacrificing speed for the sake of security. You can now create a safe, welcoming and line-free visitor experience with no stopping or emptying of pockets.
The Evolv Express® weapons detection system combines powerful sensor technology with proven artificial intelligence (AI), security ecosystem integrations, and comprehensive venue analytics to ensure safer, more accurate threat detection at an unprecedented speed and volume.

Evolv Express Weapons Detection System
With long lines and lengthy screening procedures, schools are sacrificing speed for the sake of security. You can now create a safe, welcoming and line-free visitor experience with no stopping or emptying of pockets.

The Evolv Express® weapons detection system combines powerful sensor technology with proven artificial intelligence (AI), security ecosystem integrations, and comprehensive venue analytics to ensure safer, more accurate threat detection at an unprecedented speed and volume.

Evolv Visual Gun Detection
Evolv Visual Gun Detection™ identifies individuals brandishing guns at distances up to 100 feet, by analyzing 4K high-resolution video streams from your existing cameras and leveraging AI.
Once a potential threat is detected, a comprehensive image, highlighting the detected gun, along with live annotated video footage from the relevant camera, is transmitted to the onsite security staff, or First Reactor, positioned near the Express system.
This early warning is designed to help empower security teams to swiftly implement emergency operational procedures, like locking the doors, alerting the broader security team, and getting people to safety.

Evolv Visual Gun Detection
Evolv Visual Gun Detection™ identifies individuals brandishing guns at distances up to 100 feet, by analyzing 4K high-resolution video streams from your existing cameras and leveraging AI.

Once a potential threat is detected, a comprehensive image, highlighting the detected gun, along with live annotated video footage from the relevant camera, is transmitted to the onsite security staff, or First Reactor, positioned near the Express system.
This early warning is designed to help empower security teams to swiftly implement emergency operational procedures, like locking the doors, alerting the broader security team, and getting people to safety.

Risk Assessment
Work with our partners to complete a comprehensive security analysis of your building’s vulnerabilities.

Risk Assessment

Work with our partners to complete a comprehensive security analysis of your building’s vulnerabilities.

Armoured One Security Film
Armored One 23 Mil. Film was designed to slow down or stop an active shooter. It is installed on the innermost surface of your current glass and securely fastened to the existing framing inside your building. The films are notably thicker and employ exclusive adhesive technology to ensure strength beyond the capabilities of other films.
Armored One Security Film has passed a Class 1 Shooter Attack Test (shot 10 times with an AR15 and then hit with a 100-pound ram). The film is FILTI Shooter Attack Certified.

Armoured One Security Film
Armored One 23 Mil. Film was designed to slow down or stop an active shooter. It is installed on the innermost surface of your current glass and securely fastened to the existing framing inside your building. The films are notably thicker and employ exclusive adhesive technology to ensure strength beyond the capabilities of other films.

Armored One Security Film has passed a Class 1 Shooter Attack Test (shot 10 times with an AR15 and then hit with a 100-pound ram). The film is FILTI Shooter Attack Certified.